"What is Gnan Vidhi? It is the process of Self-Realization, in just 2 hours. It is about getting the Pure Knowledge of 'Who am I?' The existing knowledge that we have, for instance, I am a doctor / I am someone's brother / husband / son etc is all worldly knowledge. Gnan Vidhi will provide the Absolute Knowledge.
One may wonder 'Why should one take Gnan?' It is about living a peaceful life, by avoiding clashes. After Gnan Vidhi, our external situations will remain the same, but it is our understanding that will make the difference.
And more importantly, it does not require one to change his religion / guru etc. We can continue our life noramlly as we did earlier. It is the right understanding after Gnan Vidhi that will lead us to a blissful life. Watch this video for more details on Gnan vidhi. Also visit : http://hindi.dadabhagwan.org/gnan-vidhi-knowledge-of-self/gnan-vidhi-kya-hai/"