Solar Light Company, Inc.’s Model 501 UVA+B Radiometer is a meteorological grade instrument that measures UVA+B solar radiation in the range of 280-400 nm, non-weighted. It’s designed for continuous use outdoors and underwater up to 5 meters maximum depth. Our world-class manufacturing practices and NIST traceable calibrations ensure a high degree of reproduction and comparability from unit to unit. The 501 features controlled internal temperature to ensure the highest levels of accuracy, and is available in either digital or analog versions. The analog model is available with a voltage output which is proportional to the measured UVA+B solar radiation. A dedicated computerized datalogger is optional. It features a liquid crystal display, keypad, serial communication port and parallel printer port. The datalogger can accommodate 2 Model 501s simultaneously, and is available with analog output optionally.
This permanent outdoor UVA+B solar radiation measurement system is used in countless applications such as plant, marine, climatological ozone or other biological impact studies that require continuous field measurements over long periods of time. The 501 is also in use by many media and research organizations which provide public information about the effects of UVA+B solar radiation.
Solar Light Company, Inc. has been recognized worldwide for over 50 years as America's premier manufacturer of precision ultraviolet light sources, solar simulators, and radiometers. Our standard line of UV, visible, and IR radiometers and light meters measure laboratory, industrial, environmental, and health related light levels with NIST traceable accuracy. Column ozone, aerosol, and water vapor thickness measurements, in addition to long-term global ultraviolet radiation studies all over the world are performed using our atmospheric line of instrumentation. Solar Light also provides NIST traceable spectroradiometric analyses, calibrations for light meters and light sources, accelerated ultraviolet radiation degradation testing of materials, and OEM instrumentation and monitors. Please visit for more details, specifications, and pictures!