KABE EZANI (MÜKEMMEL). Muhtesem Kabe ezani. Mekke ezan Kabeden ezan Beytullah tan gelen ezan sesi. Kabe muhtesem ezan sesi. Yanik ezan. Azan Makkah. Arap makami ezan. Arap makami Mekke Medine Ezan Hafiz Metin Demirtas. Kabe ezan sesi. Kabe ezani YouTube.

Metin Demirtas 2017-07-05

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Klasik Kabe ezanı. Cuma ezanı, birinci ezan.
Kopenhag Kocatepe Camii. 9/6 - 2017. Danimarka.
Müezzin Metin Demirtaş.
Kabe'nin başmüezzinlerinden Sheikh Ali Ahmad Mullah makamı.

Ayrıca Youtube.com adlı sosyal medyadan Metin Demirtaş Kuran yazıp diğer kıraatlerim mevcuttur.
Facebook.com (Metin Demirtaş EKA) yazıp bu adresimizdende beni takip edebilirsiniz.

Call for Jumuah prayer - Adhân (Makkah maqâm, style).
Taqleed and imitation of the Sheikh Ali Ahmad Mullah - Muaddhin of Masjid Al Haram, Makkah.
Called by Muaddhin Metin Demirtas. Mosque of Diyanet.
Copenhagen Bigmosque "Kocatepe". Denmark. 9/6 - 2017

Social Media
Follow me on Youtube and İnstagram by writing "Metin Demirtaş",
and from my personal homepage on facebook.com.

The target group for my homepage is mostly fans of listening of my tilawah Al- Qur'ân and my Adhans of Makkah and Madinah.

اذان الحرام المكي، بالمسجد الحرام، تقليد لشيخ علي احمد ملا

Gebetsruf (nach Makkah style)، Kopenhagen Dänemark.
9/6 - 2017 "Kopenhag Kocatepe Camii.

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