Konkona Sen Sharma turned director with her film 'A Death In The Gunj. She is a talented actress and everybody know that, she keeps on impressing audiences with her acting skills in films like ‘Lipstick Under My Burkha’, ‘Talvar’ ‘Page 3’ and many more. Now she has been winning global acclaim for her directorial debut ‘A Death In The Gunj’. If you are wondering what made her don the director’s hat? than she made an revelation recently. Find out here what exactly she said in an interview. ‘A Death In The Gunj’ is a thriller set in 1979 at McCluskieganj, near Ranchi. The film stars Vikrant Massey, Kalki Koechlin, Ranvir Shorey, Tanuja and the late Om Puri. The film is all set to hit theatres on June 2.