Documentary by Lino Patruno.
New Orleans 30 years ago
"Whe" /> Documentary by Lino Patruno.
New Orleans 30 years ago
"Whe"/> Documentary by Lino Patruno.
New Orleans 30 years ago

Flying to New Orleans - George Lewis Jazz Band - by Patruno

Michael Supnick 2008-06-01

Views 568

"Flying to New Orleans"
Documentary by Lino Patruno.
New Orleans 30 years ago
"When the Saints Go Marchin' in" - music by George Lewis Jazz Band

George Lewis (13 July 1900 -- 31 December 1968 was an American jazz clarinetist who achieved his greatest fame and influence in his later decades of life. Gary Giddins describes him as "an affecting musician with a fat-boned sound but limited technique".

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