Woman swept away by massive waves in Hawaii

Newsflare 2017-05-17

Views 71

Dramatic footage has emerged of massive waves smashing into a tourist in Hawaii.

The video, captured on May 7 in Quee's bath, Kauai, shows a young woman swimming and being swept into the sea by the huge waves.

Luckily, she manages to get to the shore.

''Queen's bath in Kauai is known to be a deadly place if the tide is high and curious tourists do not know what they're doing. The waves can easily pull a person out and guarantee a suffocating death,'' the filmer later wrote online.

''I was able to capture the video with the crowd of tourists looking in awe as waves crashed the shore, with no one daring to jump in.. except that there was a young lady in it.''

''The waves were the most violent in this video, and we all thought we were going to witness what we only hear on the news,'' he added.

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