Epic Arena Warriors is a 3D animated fight series. This is the first 3D fight anamation in this short film series, which consists of 3D fighting game style animated fights.
Right now, there's not much of a plot. Each warrior must fight until the enemy warroir is defeated. This is just an excuse to create more fighting actions for my base character skeleton. I will keep animating more complex fighting moves and special effects, including something that looks like a ki blast, for the next episodes.
I take some inspiration from the amimation in oldschool kids shows like the Dragon Ball series and other shows that I use d to watch s a kid. The way I made the base warior model and textures allows me to create any random warriot, as needed. This is a simple fught annimation, but I will make shortfilms with an actual plot later.
I wish I could make the movie that I have in my vision, but I will need a huge library of character actions to make it possible. So, enjoy this Epic Arena Warrioir 3D annimation and give me feedback or ideas, if you want. 3D animemation is not that hard, but rendering and mixing the right sound effects does take a long time.
In this first episode, a grizzly old man fights against a spandex wearing douche.
Link to the 360 degree version of the animation:
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