How To Take Out Contact Lenses 2017-05-10

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How To Take Out Contact Lenses.

Make sure you have all you need at hand: a case, solution and if using, mirror and glasses.
Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with a clean towel that won’t leave any fluff.
Women should always take out their contacts first before removing their make-up!
If you are wearing dailies, take the lens out and throw it away.
If you use bi-weekly or monthly lenses, have your case and solution ready.
Pour solution in the case and fill it up. Make sure you change the solution every day.
Use your index or middle finger to hold your upper eyelid and use your other fingers to hold the lower one.
If you don’t mind “touching” your eye, look straight ahead and very gently squeeze the lens between your index finger and thumb.
This means you will touch the edges of the lens and by squeezing them, an air bubble will occur which will loosen the contact lens and make it easy to take out.
If you are not comfortable with touching your eye, use the index finger of your free hand and move the lens towards your nose and remove it through the corner of the eye.
Rinse the lens and put it in the case with clean solution.
Make sure you follow the instructions of how to preserve contact lenses correctly.
Right eye – right contact lens - R, left eye – left contact lens – L.
Repeat with the other eye.
Close the case properly and keep in a dry place.

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