Meet the boy next door Rajkummar Rao starring as (Gattu) who is all set to woo his neighbourhood crush and nikkar ke zamane ka pyaar (Binny) starring Shruti Haasan - witness the story of love that blossoms in every mohalla of India, relive the time when your pehla pyar was your neighbour and all your family could call her was your Behen. Join them in this journey of love and laughter. Will Gattu gather the courage to tell his mohalle walas ki Behen Hogi Teri !!!
Starring: Rajkummar Rao | Shruti Haasan | Gautam Gulaṭi | Darshan Jariwala | Gulshan Grover| Ranjit| Herry Tangri | Ninad Kamat I Alekh Sangal | Reena Agrawal
Producer(s): Tony D'Souza, Amul Vikas Mohan, Nitin Upadhyaya
Director: Ajay K. Pannalal
Production House: Oddball Motion Pictures
Music On: Zee Music Company