Fewer power cuts are likely this summer after a surge in output at Coal India helped generators amass record stocks, a turnaround for Narendra Modi who had to battle a power crisis within months of becoming prime minister last May. India on Thursday successfully test-fired nuclear weapons-capable Agni-III ballistic missile from the Wheeler Island off Odisha coast. Unidentified persons on Thursday vandalised a church in one of India's most famous tourist destination Agra, police said. Dissident Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Prashant Bhushan on Thursday said that he and Yogendra Yadav would go ahead with the 'Swaraj Samwad ' and use the positive energy of people who feel cheated by the AAP for systematic change in the country. The Crime Branch of Delhi police on Wednesday claimed to have busted an international drug trafficking module involved in the supply of Brazilian manufactured cocaine.