- 215-933-9286 Global Resorts Network Philadelphia - franchise opportunity - Kevin Moss, GRN team leader, reports on the benefits being a franchise owner. The Franchise is a mainstay in American Culture. Franchising can bring you the pride of ownership along with providing a substantial income. franchise opportunity Along with the Franchise ownership opportunity comes the responsibility of most likely having employees, preparing payroll, hiring a lawyer, accountant, bookkeeper, and having overhead. There will also be long hours to work. franchise opportunity Kevin is a business owner discussing an alternative to owning a retail franchise. His business carries all of the attraction of a big name franchise. There is widely recognized name recognition, along with a pay plan that makes him thousands of dollars over and over again. Kevin is a business owner who works about 10-20 hours per week, somtimes less, out of his home office in Pennsylvania. Franchise opportunity A franchise owner will have to wait an average of 2-3 years to see a return on investment. 4-6 weeks is a much better amount of time. franchise opportunity Find out more about the alternative to retail business franchise ownership at