Marine Le Pen to the French She's Move Second Round on Election for France!

known unknown 2017-04-24

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Melania, a former supermodel, and his daughter Ivanka, an accomplished businesswoman, expose live donated trump live streaming live fox news fox news for iPhone fox news live streaming USA streaming USA news us a news today America news today inauguration BLM Police Marine Navy Airforce Army trump latest speech today speech Donald trump trump daughter daughter trump power wife Donald p twitter Donald trump CBS ISIS Al-Qaeda Al-Nusra Muslim Brotherhood terrorist fundamentalist Islamic Islamist extremist Sharia Law Intolerance Sharia no freedom hate conquest divide and conquest Islam CNN NBC MSNCBS FAKES PROPAGANDA LIES DECEPTION FOX NEWS IRAQ LIBYA SYRIA-TURKEY SAUDI ARABIA PAKISTAN IRAN RUSSIAN FRIENDSHIP FAMILY MARRIAGE KIDS CONNECTION LOVE PEACE CNN NETWORK NO MEDIA CNN FAKE #FAKENEWS #BlacksForTrump Senate Minority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi lead a rally at the Supreme Court executive orders scandal, and impeachment Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton Hillary Rodham Clinton Chelsea Victoria Clinton Donald Trump Jr. brother Eric and sister Ivanka Trump husband Jared Kushner Eric Trump Tiffany Trump-Marla Maple Maryanne Trump Barry Barron Trump From left, Eric Trump, Lara Yunaska Trump, Donald Trump, Barron Trump, Melania Trump, Vanessa Haydon Trump, Kai Madison Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Donald John Trump III, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and Tiffany Trump appear on stage after Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency at Trump Tower #antifa #UCBerkeley #MiloAtCal #UCBerkeleyRiots According to the Propaganda Mainstream Media, this is a "peaceful protest". #antifa A Young Lady was interview by a reporter when some coward liberal pepper sprayed her #UCBerkeleyRiots Alt-Left Fake News CNN Freezes Out!#NOBAN #NOWALL #NO1MORE #DrainTheSwamp #ChristiansGenocide East #Aleppo #MuslimBan #Sharia #Cair #Hamas #MuslimBrotherhood Political correctness does not legislate tolerance; it only organizes hatred Jacques Barzun #truth In case you missed it Obama and President Trump has similar Policies this is not #MuslimBan is what President Obama did in 2011-2015. Ban it was signed into law on December 18, 2015, as part of the Omnibus Appropriations Act of FY2016 Snowflakes Meltdown #UCBerkeleyRiots Alt-Left Fake News CNN Freezes Out!#NOBAN #NOWALL #NO1MORE #DrainTheSwamp #ChristiansGenocide East #Aleppo #MuslimBan #Sharia #Cair #DemEXIT #Hamas #MuslimBrotherhood Political correctness #FlynnResignation #CounterResist #TheResistancedoes not legislate tolerance; it only organizes hatred. Globalist Leakers Reince Priebus Speaker of the house Paul Ryan Thank you to all who organized #IAmAMuslimToo today - Charlotte's 1st protest rally. #NoBanNoWallNoRaids Globalist Obama Chose the Countries on the Ban List. #IAmAMuslimToo #NoBanNoWallNoRaids #SundayMorning #HeretoStay #NobodyCares #DrainTheSwamp #BasementDwellers #Deplorables #millennials #fail #PodestaEmails #PayToPlay #CrookedHillary #PayToPlay #StopHillary #SpiritCooking #CNNLeaks #JointSession #reprorights, #equalpay, #paidleave & more #WomenWearWhite#CNNFakeNews #FakeNews #Oscars #WinnerIsDJT #TrumpWins4USA #BoycottOSCARS #Oscars2017 #MerlyStreep Marine Le Pen France Presidente 2017 #CNNLeaks Syrian patriots in Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, CIA, CIA puppets, Daesh, foreign mercenaries, foreign-backed insurgency, foreign-backed terrorists, ISIL, ISIS, Simon Elliot, Terror agents, Terrorism By Proxy, Terrorism, Terrorists Gangs, The Old Sniper, US intelligence, US regime, USA, USA Crimes, USA Military, USA plots, War by Proxy, War Criminals, War Strategy, Zionist conspiracy

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