Flappy Bird - Samsung Galaxy S3 Gameplay

Pharmit24 2017-04-18

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~Flappy Bird (2014)

► Game Info
Tap the freaking bird and then when you hit the pipe you die and you get angry and rage and then you break your phone and you kill your friends and family then your life is shit now. What happens then? You go to jail and you play Flappy Bird there for the rest of your life. Happy Ending. Tadaaa!

It was addictive but i'm done with this game lol.
I'd give it -10/10

► Websites
2nd Channel: http://youtube.com/iiPharmitii
Facebook: http://facebook.com/Pharmit
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Pharmit24
Instagram: http://instagram.com/pharmit24/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+IIPharmit24II

► Intro/Outro Music
Skrillex - Bangarang


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