✿Finally we can present you our Zen Zen Zen MEP for Melanies birthday! With the help of Max [Kiriforce] I started hosting this MEP 6 months ago and since then it's been one hell of ride, but we are on time and I couldn't be more proud about this project!
Everyone was such a big help and this MEP wouldn't be this amazing without any of the participations.
You guys helped me to make my best friend happy and I really don't know how to thank you enough...I thought I would need to host a MEP for every single one of you to thank you properly haha xD But the least I could do is give you all a individual thanks
so here you go; https://docs.google.com/document/d/130F4fHo_L5J-jscwwVS8ZAK_CMtxb9nmYZd6H274VR4/edit
I hope you all can be as proud of this as I am I know it was tough and we all had to make changes, but I hope you enjoyed working on this together. - thank you all.
✿To Melli;
Melli ich werde dich jetzt nicht hier schon zuschreiben, glaub mir die Welle an Texten kommt noch haha! Aber nochmals: Alles alles
gute! Ich hoffe unsere Überraschung bereitet dir Freude und das wir dir zeigen konnten wie wichtig du uns bist -daisuki.
☆Intro : xBitterSweetful
✿Part 01: BrendaHikaru
☆Part 02: Mikyuuii
☆Part 04: Kiriforce
✿Part 05: Shirahiko
☆Part 06: Harusakutori Amv/OkamiRissi
✿Part 07: DinAniC
☆Part 08: xAkariiAMV
✿Part 09: KibaCookieGirl
☆Part 10: Zest
✿ BIRTHDAY WISHES: xBitterSweetful
☆Part 11: xBitterSweetful
✿Part 12: nmojan99
☆Part 13: DanichiAMV (Ansias17)
Song: Z3N Z3N Z3N$3 by R@dw!mp$
Animes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o9l8VJv2Tg-QbckmYTYbuQClowi5XW21-PTrKG_YR6k/edit
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