Heroes VII - Lasir's Story - Sylvan Campaign - Mission 3: The Very Counterfeit of Death

MasterKD 2017-04-01

Views 3

Might & Magic Heroes VII - Lasir's Story - Sylvan Campaign - Mission 3: The Very Counterfeit of Death - Cinematics, Cutscenes and Dialogues in Full HD (1080p)


Please read before watching:
When this video was made, it was impossible to finish this mission. All save files were guaranteed to crash the game after you explore about half of the mission, especially after you interact with the Dark Elves. My own game did crash, so from 7:58 I had to continue with cheats. Hence dont be confused if you notice something weird in the video.


Game: Might & Magic Heroes VII
Platform: PC
Developer: Black Hole Entertainment, Limbic Entertainment, Virtuos
Publisher: Ubisoft


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