Federal Judge Blocks Trump’s Latest Travel Ban Nationwide
A federal judge in Hawaii issued a nationwide order Wednesday evening blocking President Trump’s ban on travel from parts of the Muslim world, dealing a political blow to the White House and signaling
that proponents of the ban face a long and risky legal battle ahead.
Mr. Trump has reacted with fury to unfavorable court rulings in the past, savaging the judiciary after the court
in Seattle blocked major parts of his first travel order and singling out the judge for derision on Twitter.
The ruling was the second frustrating defeat for Mr. Trump’s travel ban, after a federal
court in Seattle halted an earlier version of the executive order last month.
The lawsuits also cited Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who advises Mr.
Trump, who said he had been asked to help craft a Muslim ban that would pass legal muster.
But Mr. Trump evidently failed in that goal: Democratic states and nonprofit groups
that work with immigrants and refugees raced into court to attack the updated order, alleging that it was a thinly veiled version of the ban on Muslim migration that he had pledged to enact last year, as a presidential candidate.
And they highlighted comments by Stephen Miller, an adviser to the president, who cast the changes to Mr. Trump’s
first travel ban as mere technical adjustments aimed at ushering the same policy past the review of a court.