Trump to Undo Vehicle Rules That Curb Global Warming -
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is expected to begin rolling back stringent federal regulations on vehicle pollution
that contributes to global warming, according to people familiar with the matter, essentially marking a U-turn to efforts to force the American auto industry to produce more electric cars.
He also predicted that “if this administration goes after the California waiver, there will be an all-out brawl between Trump
and California and the other states that will defend its program.”
The tailpipe pollution regulations were among Mr. Obama’s major initiatives to reduce global warming and were put forth jointly by the E. P.A.
During the same week, and possibly on the same day, Mr. Trump is expected to direct Mr. Pruitt to begin the more lengthy
and legally complex process of dismantling the Clean Power Plan, Mr. Obama’s rules to cut planet-warming pollution from coal-fired power plants.
The E. P.A.’s Clean Power Plan regulations, which would cut climate-warming pollution
from power plants, will probably be much harder for Mr. Pruitt to undo.
The automakers estimated their industry would have to spend a “staggering” $200 billion between 2012
and 2025 to comply and said the tailpipe emissions rule was far more expensive for the industry than enforcing the Clean Power Plan.
After withdrawing the Obama administration’s requirement for model years 2022 through 2025, the Trump administration
will have a year to put forth an alternative set of efficiency standards, people familiar with the matter said.