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Goddess Skandamata
| Vande Vaanchita Kaamaarthe Chandraardhakritashekharam |
|| Simharoodha Chaturbhujam Skandamata Yashasvinim ||
| Dhawalavarna Vishuddha Chakrasthito Panchama Durga Trinetram |
|| Abhaya Padma Yugm Karam Dakshina Uru Putradharam Bhaje ||
Praised be you fullfiler of Desires and wishes of all adorned by a Crescent of a Moon| Riding a valorous Leo and having four hands Such is Skand mata Mother of Skanda || Fair skinned resiing in the Vishuddha wheel of body , Fifith among the Navadurgas | yielding two lotuses and Vara mudra and on right lap you hold your beloved Six headed one
When Goddess Parvati became the mother of Lord Skanda (also known as Lord Kartikeya), Mata Parvati was known as Goddess Skandamata.
Goddess Skandamata mounts on the ferocious lion. She carries baby Murugan in her lap. Lord Murugan is also known as Kartikeya and brother of Lord Ganesha. Goddess Skandamata is depicted with four hands. She carries lotus flowers in her upper two hands. She holds baby Murugan in one of her right hand and keeps the other right hand in Abhaya Mudra. She sits on lotus flower and because of that Skandamata is also known as Goddess Padmasana.
Devotees who worship this form of Goddess Parvati get the benefit of worshipping Lord Kartikeya as well. This quality is possessed only by Skandamata form of Goddess Parvati.
It is believed that the planet Budha is governed by Goddess Skandamata. Goddess Skandamata is worshipped on the fifth day of Navratri.