Jerry Kaplan: Can Robots Make Ethical Decisions?
Bay Area Book Festival - Freight & Salvage
Opening the festival is a session on one of the most important developments of our time. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to usher in a new age of affluence and leisure—but for whom? From Stanford's AI Lab, serial entrepreneur and bestselling author Jerry Kaplan introduces AI, proposes concrete measures for equitable distribution, and takes questions. "Humans Need Not Apply" was named a top ten business books of 2015 by the Economist, which called it "an intriguing, insightful and well-written look at how modern artificial intelligence, powering algorithms and robots, threatens jobs and may increase wealth inequalities." Jaron Lanier wrote that it's a "crucial book for understanding the great challenge of our times, which is how people can learn to live wisely with ever-greater technical ability."