Living Force "Hello Friend" 1977 NZ Prog Psych

John Dug 2017-01-21

Views 52

Living Force "Living Force " 1977 New Zealand Prog Psych (Ticket and Space Farm members)

Out of the ashes of Ticket and Space Farm came to life this Kiwi band in Auckland.Glen Absolum (drums), Harvey Mann (guitar) and Eddie Hansen (guitar) all sought for spiritual happiness and a new way of musical expression back in 1973 and, even if Hansen temporarily moved to Christchurch to get involved in other groups, Mann and Ablosum set up Living Force in 1975 with Murray Partridge on guitar, original Dragon's keyboardist Ivan Thompson and Gary Clarke on bass.Soon Thompson, Clarke and Partridge would leave and they were replaced by John Pepper and Matt Matepi respectively and a second stint by Hansen, who had returned to Auckland.The sole, self-titled album of the band was released in 1977 on Atlantic, featuring also Mike Fisher on percussion.

''Living force'' cannot be considered a deep Progressive Rock album, it's more of a guitar-based Rock release, which is flavored by strong hints of Fusion, Latin Music and Psychedelic Rock throughout.But its content is extremely rich, energetic and creative, led by the impressive duo of Mann and Hansen on guitars and the nice use of percussion next to Pepper's discreet lines on synthesizer, piano and organ.It has been compared to the works of SANTANA, which is partly true, as the album has a fine Latin vibe in the guitar department, complemented by the tuning percussion and congas and some ethereal electric piano to deliver music closer to Latin Fusion.There are of course some more demanding moments in here, especially the instrumental parts are quite dense with notable breaks and shifting tempos, always having a deep Fusion background and displaying a Latin atmosphere, filled with sharp guitar soloing, powerful rhythms and alternate executions on keyboards and pianos.Vocals are pretty cool as well to complete a great release as far as I am concerned.The opening track ''Changes'' offers one of the best dual guitar solos I've ever heard, which reminds me a bit of Spanish Fusion groups from the 70's.

As Living Force's texts were dealing with spiritual matters, they ended up having a cult following of hippies and Krishna believers.With Absolum having permanently left the band, the rest flew to San Franscisco in July 78', having set up a meeting with Santana's engineer Glen Kalatkin.Nothing came up though and they returned in December with new singer Mona Hollguin, who only spent some months with the band, before returning home.Living Force disbanded in early 1979.

Great Rock/Fusion album with Latin colors.Excellent guitar parts, lots of energy and some nice keyboard twists.Strongly recommended despite its limited ........


Harvey Mann (guitar),
Eddie Hansen (guitar),
Murray Partridge (guitar),
Ivan Thompson (keyboards),
John Pepper (keyboards),
Gary Clarke (bass),
Matt Matepi (bass),
Glen Absolum (drums),
Mike Fisher (drums),
Mona Hollguin (vocals)

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