Fisherman Reels Tiger Shark Onto West Australian Beach

StoryfulViral 2017-01-05

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The sight of a fisherman reeling in a shark at a Western Australian beach drew a crowd of startled onlookers on Monday, January 2.

Dorothy Symonds was taking her dog for a walk along Warnbro Beach with her husband Andy when she spotted four men wrestling with what appeared to be a sting ray. When those present realised it was a shark, swimmers were quick to get out of the water.

It took the four men about 30 minutes to reel in the creature after casting out 100 metres from shore, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. This report stated the animal was a tiger shark.

In the footage, the fisherman can be seen removing the hook from the shark’s mouth before gently helping it back to deeper water.

“I was so surprised as I have been swimming there all my life and never saw anything like this,” Symonds told Storyful. Credit: YouTube/Dorothy Symonds via Storyful

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