Bollywood superstars Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan have been taking digs at each other ever since the first poster of Aamir's upcoming film PK was unveiled. At the time, SRK had said that he and his Happy New Year team are also planning to pose for a nude poster, to which Aamir had replied that people who dig wells for others tend to fall into them. However, despite all evidence to the contrary, Bollywood's Mr. Perfectionist claims that 'all is well' between the two. At a recent media interaction, Aamir clarified that he doesn't dislike Shah Rukh Khan and added that he respects his relations with SRK and doesn't cross the boundary. Aamir will be next seen in Rajkumar Hirani's PK whereas the King Khan will be next seen in Farah Khan's Happy New Year.
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