Shraddha Kapoor has revealed that she has a major sweet tooth and that her New Year's resolution is to control her habit of binge eating. The young actress says that she would also like to get a little more organised. At an event when Kapoor was asked if she is planning to take a resolution in the New Year, she said, ''Resolutions are meant to be broken but there are some which I would want to incorporate in my life. I would to control my impulsive eating habits. If you'll keep a jalebi or gulaab jamun in front of me I will devour it like a possessed person. So I would want to control that as eating too many sweets is not good for your health.'' ''I would also want to get a little more organised. I would not want anyone to see my room,'' she further added. Shraddha will be next seen opposite Varun Dhawan in ABCD 2.