♫ Lullaby songs ♫ Baby songs | Lullabies for Babies to go to Sleep | Baby lullaby songs go to sleep

Rebeccamckeand23 2016-12-19

Views 86

Lullaby songs, Baby songs. Best Lullabies for babies to go to sleep fast. Soft Lullaby baby songs and bedtime relaxing music for toddlers, children, newborns, kids. Baby sleep music. 30 minutes of lullaby music to relax babies and go to sleep. \r
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Lullaby playlist: \r
1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star\r
2. Rock a Bye Baby\r
3. Are You Sleeping\r
4. Itsy Bitsy Spider\r
5. Wheels on The Bus Go Round and Round\r
6. BINGO\r
7. and more ..

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