Actors Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor, who are said to be dating, have always maintained a diplomatic silence when asked about each other, but Bollywood’s Barbie Doll recently opened up about her beau Ranbir Kapoor while at an event to promote her upcoming film ‘Phantom’.
During the promotional event, Katrina not only referred to Ranbir as hot and her favourite, but also hinted twice or thrice that he is indeed her Mr. Right. The two actors have been living in together since the past few months and sources also claim thatKatrina and Ranbir had recently flown to Austria a few weeks back, where they visited a health spa offering de-addiction treatment for smokers and that at Kat’s insistence, Ranbir agreed to the treatment and has quit smoking ever since!
Well, now that the cat is finally out of the bag, we wonder when will Kat share her plans of marriage with the media now…