Video recipe for a fun and fast home made Galettes de Sarrasin ! Buckwheat Pancakes or Crepes. Coming from western France, they are delish !
Ingredients :
250g Buckwheat Flour
2 TBSP wheat flour
1 egg
500 ml water
Flat frying pan
Mixing bowl
Food processor with whisk attachment
Instructions :
- In a bowl goes the buckwheat flour and the egg yolk
- Add the water to it
- In the food processor, beaten the egg white to stiff
- add 2 tbsp wheat flour, mix again
- Add salt (big pinch)
- Mix the beaten white eggs in the mixing bowl with all ingredients.
- Get a smooth silky finish
- Let rest for 1 hour
- ...
- Hot pan, grease it nicely between all Galettes
- Pour a bit of liquid, enough to cover the bottom
- move around
- As the bottom isn't sticking any more, flip the Galette over
- Cook for a few minutes, till colored on both sides
- Set aside
- For a classic french filling : 1 egg, some grated cheese and ham
- Folds the edges of the Galette to the center
- Serve hot with fresh herbs
I hope you enjoy this recipe of Galettes de Sarrasin coming from Bretagne in France (west)