B.A. Pass is 2012 Hindi film, directed by Ajay Bahl, and starring Shilpa Shukla, Shadab Kamal, Rajesh Sharma, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya in lead roles. The film is based on story, The Railway Aunty by Mohan Sikka about the gigolo culture that is patronized by women of middle class India. The title refers to B.A., a basic university degree in India, for which a 19-year old small town guy, Mukesh (Shadab Kamal) comes to Delhi. The death of his parents leaves him running out of money, and soon he find himself caught in the burgeoning male prostitution culture in the city. He meets Sarika (Shilpa Shukla), an unhappy housewife and his aunt, the film follows their changing relationship, and their false hopes.