Krenim Annorax Science Dreadnought [T6] with all ship visuals - Star Trek Online

STOunrefined 2016-12-09

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This video is about the Krenim Annorax Science Dreadnought [T6] ship in Star Trek Online, i will show the visuals of different space sets. After that i have joined Argala system patrol mission without doing a lot of work to finish the mission. I do apologize for that but since this is a ship review i did not do a lot of damage because i simply did not equip the needed weapons or consoles. In this video i also show the special ability with the Console - Universal - Temporal Distortion Field
Also the special and tiny unique bridge of this vessel is just awesome to see!
Equipped the:
Aegis Technological Research Space set,
Dyson Joint Command Technologies Space set,
Solanae Hybrid Technologies Space Set,
Delta Alliance Assault Space Set,
Breen Absolute Zero Space set,
Jem'Hadar Space set,
Assimilated Borg Technology Space set,
Omega Force Space set,
M.A.C.O. Space set,
Fluidic Counter Assault Space set(Counter Command),
Adapted M.A.C.O. Space set,
Reman Advanced Prototype Space set,
Romulan Prototype Space set,
Nukara Strikeforce Technologies Space set,
Kobali Regenerative Circuitry Space set,
Iconian Resistance Space set.

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