2016-12-04 2nd Sunday in Advent,1.Fanfare for the Common Man, 2.IHoP prayer room,Jon Thurlow 3/11/15,8am, 3.Now come, the Gentiles' Savior BWV 599,659-661,699, 4.Cantata BWV 70a Watch! Pray! Pray! Watch!, 5.Luther, 6.Piper Romans, 7.Piper Advent poem

Russ D 2016-12-05

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Second Sunday in Advent, December 4, 2016
1. Fanfare for the Common Man, Aaron Copeland, arr. Dorothy Papadakos, William Randolph, organist,
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NYC https://youtu.be/pemt2XGJYAk
2. IHOP prayer room, Jon Thurlow 3/11/15, 8am, clip #2 22m35s-40m13s https://youtu.be/xaRTrX-L47c
3. Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, Now come the Gentiles' Savior BWV 599, 659-661, 699 chorale preludes & chorale
James Pressler, virtual organ
4. Cantata BWV 70a Wachet! betet! betet! Wachet! Watch! Pray! Pray! Watch!
BWV 70a/1-6=BWV 70/1,3,5,8,10,11
BWV 70a is an earlier Weimar version of Bach's expanded BWV 70 version.
Helmuth Rilling
1-3of6 https://youtu.be/xfJEOKAIB64
Karl Richter, Peter Schreier, tenor 
4of6  = BWV 70 8of11 https://youtu.be/3P9_JvjxL-4
Helmuth Rilling
5-6of6 https://youtu.be/xfJEOKAIB64
English translation: www.bach-cantatas.com/Texts/BWV70-Eng3.htm

5. Luther's sermon on the 2nd Sunday in Advent, Romans 13:11-14:
The Comfort Christians have from the signs of the Day of Judgment; and the spiritual interpretation of these signs

6. John Piper Romans sermons #31:
19990214 02v17-24 R031 The Effect of Hypocrisy 2
All Romans messages: www.desiringgod.org/series/romans-the-greatest-letter-ever-written/messages

7. John Piper Advent poem:
December, 1982
A Gift From Eli
Her mother said, "It's no concern;
When you're with child you have to learn
That ankles which were once quite thin
Swell, near the end, like new wine skin;
And sandal straps sink as in clay
And leave prophetic lines which say
The child is near. The child is near."
As if there weren't enough to fear
Beloved Joseph brings the word
Which gentle Mary calls absurd:
"That in a fortnight, when he's due
I'm just to up and go with you
A four day's walk with child and packs
Because the Caesar wants his tax!"
But Mary didn't want to stay
Alone with Joseph far away.
And he explained he had to go.
"I've something here I'd like to show,"
He said, and stepped outside. "I bought
Old Eli's mule because I thought
You'd like to ride. Old Eli said
This lantern in the sack has led
Him to Jerusalem at night
A hundred times. ‘It gives good light,'"
He said. Then held it up and smiled:
"A gift from Eli for the child."
Today we light that lamp anew
And call it advent candle two.

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