Kartal Göktan: We are back in our live program.
Bülent Sezgin: Mr. Oktar, I would like to give information about the Skype call you are going to make with your Freemason friends.
Adnan Oktar: Yes please.
Bülent Sezgin: They’re going to be joining our program via Skype from the Annual Congress of the United Masonic Assembly of the USA, held in Atlanta insha’Allah. Around two hundred high-degree masons will be listening to you. President of the United Masonic Assembly of U.S. and Former Grand Master of Regular Grand Lodge of Illinois, Charles Mabry stated that by means of this interview they wanted to emphasize the importance of collaboration with you once again. Here are the names of your Mason friends that helped organize this meeting are: Gian Franco Pillioni, the Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Italy u.m.s.o.i., and Carlton Brigham, the Grand Master of Regular Grand Lodge of Maryland.
Adnan Oktar: Excellent. Very good. Mr. Charles Mabry is the President of the United Masonic Assembly of the US. He is the Former Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Illinois. He had come here before. I have a 33 degree Masonic diploma from that lodge as well. Gian Franco Pillioni, the Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Italy u.m.s.o.i. I have a 33 degree Masonic diploma from that lodge, too. Carlton Brigham, the Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Maryland. Yes, this is one of their usual meetings. Freemasonry believes that at the end times, the world will become a single community with a single religion. What is this? It is the system of Mahdi. They believe that peace will come to the whole world and the wars will end, insha’Allah. Yes, I’m listening.
Adnan Oktar: Our guests are ready.
Adnan Oktar: They’re in Atlanta. Let’s start.
Oktar Babuna: Hello from Istanbul.
Grand Master Charles Mabry: Hello, how are you doing?
Oktar Babuna: Hello from Mr. Adnan Oktar, from us, to all our distinguished guests.
Adnan Oktar: I’m greeting all my Freemason friends, the members of the United Masonic Assembly of the US. I love you very much. You are people of peace. You are working to make the world a better place, a place of peace, a place where everyone lives in a brotherly manner. Insha’Allah (God willing), such a beautiful world will be built. Wars will come to an end, weapons will be gone, all good people will support each other and will live happy lives. I see that the Masons make great efforts to ensure that. And I believe that we will achieve great, beautiful results. I’m paying my respects to you. May God make you successful. I’m sending my respects first to Mr. Charles Mabry, the President of the United Masonic Assembly of the U.S., who is also the Former Grand Master of the Regular Grand Lodge of Illinois. Also, to Mr. Gian Franco Pillioni, my dear friend, the Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Italy u.m.s.o.i., I’m expressing my love and respects to him as well. Also, to Mr. Carlton B