ABC Song | Twinkle Twinkle Little Star | And 75 Nursery Rhymes | 2 HOURS Nursery Rhymes Compilation

Kelvinivette 4505 2016-11-13

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The Best of KidsCamp Nursery Rhymes Collection is here! \r
ABC Song | Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & 75 Nursery Rhymes | 2 HOURS Nursery Rhymes Compilation!! The Best Compilation of ABC Song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wheels on the Bus and many more FUN Songs for 2 FULL HOURS! Alphabet Song, Nursery Rhymes, Animation for Children, Children songs, Kids Songs, Baby Songs and more!! A Non-Stop 100 Minutes Large Nursery Rhymes Collection to make sure every Child sings along and dances to the Fun Kidscamp Music and becomes a part of the Magical World of Elly and Evas imagination!\r
A Special HUGE Collection for Babies - Non-Stop NURSERY RHYMES for 2 HOURS!\r
ABC Song \r
Twinkle Twinkle\r
Wheels on the Bus (NEW)\r
Baa Baa Black Sheep\r
Incy Wincy Spider (OLD)\r
Bingo Song\r
If Youre Happy and You know it\r
Five Little Monkeys\r
Old MacDonald had a Farm\r
ABC Alphabet Song\r
Star Light Star Bright\r
CTA -\r
Rain Rain Go Away\r
Wheels on the Bus\r
Im a Little Teapot\r
CTA- Hi Friends!!! Merry Christmas\r
Jingle Bells (NEW)\r
We Wish you a Merry Christmas\r
Colors song Purple\r
Five Little Ducks\r
One Two Buckle my Shoe\r
Humpty Dumpty\r
Sing a song of Sixpence\r
Miss Polly had a Dolly\r
Ringa Ringa Roses\r
Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe\r
Head Shoulders\r
Little Peter Rabbit \r
Rig a Jig Jig\r
I Love my Little Kitty\r
Horsey Horsey\r
Pat A Cake\r
Jack and Jill\r
Wheels on the Bus\r
London Bridge (OLD)\r
Mary had a Little Lamb (OLD)\r
A Tisket, A Tasket \r
Colors Song White\r
The Animal Fair \r
Rock a bye Baby\r
Hot Cross Buns\r
Ten Little Indians\r
Hickory Dickory Dock\r
Happy Birthday Song\r
Ive Been Working On The Railroad\r
Mary Mary Quite Contrary\r
Simple Simon\r
Lavenders Blue Dilly Dilly\r
Incy Wincy Spider (NEW)\r
One Misty Moisty Morning \r
An Apple a Day\r
Oranges & Lemons\r
Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush\r
The Farmer in the Dell\r
Yankee Doodle went to Town\r
Little Miss Muffet \r
Little Boy Blue\r
Ten in the Bed\r
Whats in the Sky\r
Old King Cole\r
Brother John\r
My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean Song\r
Pop goes the Weasel\r
Jingle Bells (Old)\r
Colors Song (Normal One)\r
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer\r
Jingle Bells\r
12 Days of Christmas\r
Deck the Halls\r
London Bridge is Falling Down (NEW)\r
Mary had a Little Lamb (NEW)\r
Its Raining Its Pouring\r
Handy Spandy\r
World of Elly Triangle\r
World of Elly Circle\r
World of Elly SHAPES Christmas Tree\r
Learning Colors World of Elly\r
Sing along your favorite songs with your dear children and be a part of the magical world of Kidscamp!!!!\r
Tell us how you liked them!\r
Thank you for your Likes, Shares and Comments!!\r
Nursery Rhyme Playlists\r
Nursery Rhymes - \r
Baby Songs - \r
Children Songs - \r
Kids Songs - \r
Lullabies - \r
ABC & Phonics - \r
Play Doh - \r
Loom Bracelets - \r
Subscribe to WATCH More Childrens Favorite Nursery Rhymes - \r
WATCH this NEW Kidscamp Original Children Song - Whats in the Sky! \r
Other Nursery Rhymes we think youd LIKE :-)\r
The Wheels of the Bus - \r
Baa Baa Black Sheep - \r
Humpty Dumpty - \r
Incy Wincy Spider (Itsy Bitsy Spider) - \r
Mary had a Little Lamb - \r
London Bridge is Falling down - \r
Im a Little Teapot - \r
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