The Secret To Having That Sexy "It" Factor Guys Crave

yourtango 2016-11-10

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You've seen this happen before. A beautiful woman walks into a room, and every eye is automatically drawn to her. She oozes sex appeal and yet she's approachable too.

Is she sexy? Damn straight. But she's also mysterious, alluring and has a kind look in her eye.

You can't pinpoint your finger on it, but she has that certain "je ne sais quoi" quality that men rave about. From the confident way she carries herself to the positive vibes she gives off, it's no wonder that men find her completely irresistible.

And now you know what we're talking about. The IT factor. And she's got it in spades. The question is, how can you get it?

If you want your date to fall head over heels for you, it's going to take a little more than wishful thinking, sexy clothing and good set of Spanks.

The truth is that many of us jump into the dating field without having the right mindset. You join an online dating site—expecting guys to automatically flock to you—and get frustrated when time and time again, that first date doesn't turn into a second one.

Not only does that leave you feeling insecure and lonely, it makes you question what's going on? Are you too old or too young? Not pretty enough? Not tall enough? Not smart enough? What is it?

The truth is that it's none of these things.

Dating Expert Julie Ferman has her finger on the pulse of the one dating secret that will kick these insecurities for you and get you into the role of being the IT girl. After listening to her advice, we couldn't agree more!

According to Julie,"It has to do with...a woman who actually likes herself. I find that men are naturally drawn to women who are loving. They love themselves, they love the girlfriends in their lives, they love the family members in their lives. They exude love."

This is a no brainer but in the sexy department, confidence goes a long way.

We ask you this question: is it possible that something you're doing is turning your dates off?

Be realistic. If you can't spend more than five minutes without venting about your life, it's possible that your date has already checked out. Your personality can end up costing you. People don't realize that negativity indicates less desirable traits such as jealousy, anger, etc.

Where does this leave you? Sadly, sitting by yourself at a table for one.

But don't just take our word for it. There's even science that proves that what you say has a major effect on your future relationships.

SUNY Psychologist Arthur Aron handed participants a series of questions that would increase their intimacy levels. In just an hour he found that the connection forged between the strangers was as strong as if they'd been dating for a long time.

In fact, "the dialogue partners' bond at the end of the forty-five-minute vulnerability interaction was[...]closer than the closest relationship in the lives of 30 percent of similar students."

This proves that first date conversations are crucial to forming lasting bonds.

So pay extra attention to Julie's advice. If you want a shot at a happy ending, you must portray your BEST self. The truth is that there's nothing sexier than a woman who knows her own worth and isn't afraid of going after what she wants. That my friends is the definition of a woman with the IT factor.

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