Amitabh Bachchan. Deepika Padukone and Irrfan Khan will be seen sharing screen space in Shoojit Sircar’s upcoming film Piku which is slated to release next year. This is first time that DP has teamed up with the Paan Singh Tomar actor. While the Madras Cafe director has already finished shooting 50 percent of his film, the next schedule of Piku will go on floors in November and December. The film is basically about father-daughter relationship and Irrfan has a pivotal author backed role. Sounds interesting, hai na? Going by the on location picture, wethinks this film should be the one to watch for next year.
Talking about Piku, Mr Bachchan says, “What makes the process of filming Piku extremely enjoyable is that it is helmed by Shoojit Sircar and also stars the immensely talented Deepika Padukone and Irrfan Khan. The film has an interesting story and there is a lot of excitement on the sets.”
On the other hand, the Happy New Year actress is excited as well as nervous about Shoojit Sircar’s film. She says, “It’s a huge honor for me to be working with such stalwarts on Piku. I am extremely nervous but also very excited as Piku is the kind of cinema I believe in. Every day I walk onto the set with butterflies in my stomach! I hope I do justice to Piku and bring her alive onscreen in a way that audiences fall in love with her.”