3 Lesser-Known LinkedIn Features You Should Be Using full post: http://blog.linkfluencer.com/3-lesser-known-linkedin-features-you-should-be-using/
There is no doubt LinkedIn has become the most powerful marketing tool of the 21st Century.
With millions of members and 49% of them being key decision makers, it’s never been faster, easier and more cost effective to get your message in front of the masses.
In fact there is no other social media platform out there today that can help you get reach journalist and editors, key joint venture partners, recruit new staff and secure new clients.
There is nothing out there like it.
Now in saying this over the past 3 years of training thousands of business across the world we’ve realized that very few are using it to its full potential.
There are many LinkedIn that most business owners don’t know about, so many that we could literally write a book about it. In fact we are in the middle of one right now.
However in this article, we’re going to focus on the top 3 that are the most common. Check out the details below and be sure to take massive action.
Enjoy the read: http://blog.linkfluencer.com/3-lesser-known-linkedin-features-you-should-be-using/