I made my own application and today I'm going to show it to you!
Drew's App Launcher allows the user to quickly launch MS Office apps and it's Free and Open Source Software! It's made with Visual Basic.
"Stuff Drew's Made" playlist:
System requirements (Recommended minimum [I want people to have a good experience]):
.Net 4 Client Profile: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24872
Ignore the Windows 10 message on that page, scroll down, and click the orange Download button. May take a while to download.
Windows versions: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP1 or later, Windows 7 and 7 SP1, 8, 8.1, 10.
Architectures: x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit.)
Hardware requirements: At least a 1.2 GHz, Pentium 4 CPU or higher; 1 GB of RAM or more.
Disk space:
32-bit: 700 MB space free.
64-bit: 2 GB space free.
To properly view the RSS/Atom release feeds, you'll need Firefox or Internet Explorer.
Note that you might have problems with running this on corporate computers. The ClickOnce security settings are disabled in version 2.8 due to Visual Studio not building properly suddenly. They are enabled in versions 2.7 and 2.6.1.
Download 32-bit: https://github.com/DrewNaylor/MSOfficeAppLauncherNext32/releases
Download 64-bit: https://github.com/DrewNaylor/MSOfficeAppLauncherNext64/releases
dummyOffice: https://github.com/DrewNaylor/dummyOffice
Which download do I need? https://github.com/DrewNaylor/MSOfficeAppLauncherNext64/wiki/What-edition-%2864--or-32-bit%29-should-I-use%3F
File a bug report (32-bit): https://github.com/DrewNaylor/MSOfficeAppLauncherNext32/issues
File a bug report (64-bit): https://github.com/DrewNaylor/MSOfficeAppLauncherNext64/issues
My new website (not finished yet): http://drewnaylor.github.io/
If you like what you saw in this video, why not subscribe to my channel to be alerted when I upload more content? It's free :)
(This video was edited with Blender, Audacity, GIMP; Recorded with OBS. Some nonfree software was used in the making of this video.)
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Thank you and enjoy the video.
This video was originally uploaded to YouTube on June 1, 2016 here: https://youtu.be/4-oJEDuKNK8
Use the above string to find videos from my main YouTube channel on this site.