View How To Avoid Bed Bug Bites?
Bedbugs: How to Avoid Them & What to Do if You’re Bitten.
It’s one of those old-fashioned sayings you’ve heard over and over, but probably never really stopped to consider the meaning of; perhaps your mother even said it to you as she tucked you into bed: “Sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite!” It’s cute. It rhymes. How could it refer to anything even remotely malevolent? And yet…
How To Avoid Bed Bug Bites?
While you may not have to think about being bitten by teeny insects when you’re fast asleep in your bed at home, you’d better at least make yourself aware of what bedbugs are – and learn how to deal with them – if you’re going to be traveling. Because even if you can’t see them, that doesn’t mean they’re not there.
(Are you itchy yet? Cuz I am.)
How To Avoid Bed Bug Bites?
Bedbugs are, to get technical, a tiny nocturnal insect that lives off of the blood of warm-blooded creatures – including humans. They come out of their hiding places during the night and early dawn and bite their dozing victims, usually for about five minutes until they’re full. You’ll know you’ve been bitten if you wake up and find little spots of blood on the sheets or small bumps on your skin that form orderly rows (often in groups of three).
How To Avoid Bed Bug Bites?
You might have already known all of that, but what you might not know is that bedbugs, unlike roaches, are not associated with unsanitary conditions. In other words, the cleanliness of a hotel or hostel doesn’t have any direct bearing on whether you’ll find bedbugs there. Certainly, thorough and regular cleaning (especially of mattresses, blankets, and other soft materials) will go a long way in keeping an infestation of bedbugs from getting a foothold in the first place, but bedbugs can be transferred from place to place on the clothing of the travelers who are staying in those hotels and hostels, so even places that are cleaned regularly could be hosting a few unwanted critters.
Detecting Bedbugs Before Bedtime.
How To Avoid Bed Bug Bites?