come sing along!
Let's give thanks
Let's give thanks
In this day of Thanksgiving Let's give thanks
For the Joys of life
For the friends we have
Let's celebrate the gifts of life big and small
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Thank you for the people
Thank you for the trees
Thank you for the mountains
Thank you for the stars
Thank you for the oceans
Thank you for the skies
And thank you for the dinner that we are having tonight
Thank you for the girls
Thank you for the boys And
Thank you for the holidays when we make lots of noise
Let's say
Thank you for the stars
And thank you for the skies
Thank you for the dinner that we're having tonight
Let's give thanks
Let's give thanks
In this day of Thanksgiving Let's give thanks
For the Joys of life
For the friends we have
Let's celebrate the gifts of life big and small
Big and small