Aamir Khan starrer Dangal, one of the most awaited films of 2016, will unveil its trailer with Karan Johar's Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, which hits theatres on October 28, around Diwali.
Two sources familiar with the development independently confirmed to HuffPost India that Khan and Johar have reached an understanding to ensure maximum visibility for the wrestling drama.
Additionally, moviegoers buying tickets for the Ranbir Kapoor-Anushka Sharma-Aishwarya Rai starrer romantic drama will also have a little more to look forward to.
Said the source, "Right now, that's the discussion at AKP (Aamir Khan Productions). Dangal is one of the biggest films of 2016 and so is Ae DIl... it makes sense to collaborate to reach the widest audience possible."