HK-Esports 第二部微電影-夢想人生 Dream Life

HongKongEsports 2016-10-14

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本電影的預告片(Trailer of Dream life ):


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購票流程Ticket Buying Procedure:門票分為兩種There are two types of tickets:
1天門票1day pass $50、 2天門票2days pass $70
可於網上商店 HKEsports Shop訂購!:
Can be booked and bought directly on the online shop of HKEsports:
Also, there are many fixed retail shops, including:
地獄道 Devil Keyboard Hell、MR.X、陽光網絡旗艦店Msystem flagship 、G-Force 全線all branches of G-Force

Toyz Facebook Fans Page:
森野葉子Facebook Fans Page:
Stanley Facebook Fans Page:
第一部微電影《完美人生》(The first micro-movie- Perfect life):
本電影的預告片(Trailer of Dream life ):
特別鳴謝-華碩電腦ASUS HK :

這是由香港電子競技有限公司創作的第二套微電影,由前英雄聯盟世界冠軍Toyz 以及台灣著名藝人森野葉子主演,當中更有上路帝王Stanley演出配角。導演更是本公司創辦人鍾培生先生,而故事是透過著一個可愛美麗的超能力少女以及迷失方向的電動宅男,扣成一個虛幻、有趣、浪漫、淒美的愛情故事,希望藉此向大眾推廣有關電子競技的信息,增加台港澳市民對電子競技的關注。 最後,本公司感謝Siv HD 的幫忙以及雞排妹、仙樂都和琳琳的特別演出。

The second E-sports themed micro-movie presented by HK Esports Limited, The main characters are acted by League of Legend S2 champion, Toyz, and Taiwan famous artiste, Yezi. And also the s2 world champion, Stanley, act as the supporting character. Also, this film is directed by Hong Kong Esports limited co. founder, Derek Cheung. Our goal is to promote E-sports through the movie to increase awareness of general public about E-sports. Lastly, we want to thank Siv HD for helping and Lli, Yoyo, Irene for special staring.

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