Hey guys in this episode of ZombiU its Alex's turn and we continue where we left off and we use the Key Card we got from the last episode to open new areas and we continue our journey! We then learn we have to go to Brick Lane Market where there are a bunch of useful supplies we can use and we find some Zombies as well. We Also find one of the two CCTV Junction Boxes that we have to scan and scan it which allows us to get the map of that area! We then find a Sewer Passage from Brick Lane Markets that leads us safely back to our safe house; that we can use back and forth! After we save Bryan switches out with Alex and he has to go into to the Super Market Area to scan the 2nd CCTV Junction Box but a horde of Zombies awaits him can he get past them? See all this and more on today's episode of ZombiU!
Hey guys check out Alex and Geoff's channel Horseman and Friends https://www.youtube.com/user/21somel
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