British deep state is behind the Shia-Sunni conflict in Iran

A9 TV 2016-10-07

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ADNAN OKTAR: Iraqi Shiite soldiers executed Sunni civilians, the women and children, by shooting them on the streets. However, these are all fellow Muslims. This is the result of a treacherous British plot, hatched by the British deep state. How can you fall for a scheme like this? Don't you all utter "Laa ilaaha illaAllah Muhammadan Rasulullah."  Both sides perform prayers; both sides are orienting themselves to Kaaba for prayer. What is the problem? What is the difference between you two? You are all good Muslims. You all believe in the Quran. You are all the same. But the British deep state is carrying out an evil provocation campaign. They pit one side against the other. God shows us how urgent and necessary it is for Hazrat Mahdi (as) to arrive now. If Hazrat Mahdi (as) were to appear today, he would say, "What are you doing? You are all brothers. You are the same."

They are inciting an intense hatred in Sunnis against the Shiite; whereas they are all saintly people. Shiites are very brave. Sunnis are honest people. There is not a single reason for them to fight like this. They are falling for the tricks of satan. This conflict will be resolved by Hazrat Mahdi (as)'s arrival and his words of peace. It will not even take ten minutes for Hazrat Mahdi (as) to resolve this animosity. They themselves will be surprised how they fell for this scheme. 

Look at the trick of satan and how people fall for it. Tens of thousands of Muslims are brutally slaughtering each other. The US and England supply them weapons to kill each other. And on what pretense? On the pretense that they are Shiites, they are Sunnis and they deserve it. Is it not better that they are Shiites, what more do you want? Shiites love Hazrat Ali (ra), they love the twelve imams, they perform their prayers five times a day, and they are just innocent people; what is your problem?  What do you want? Sunnis are honest people. They obey the laws of Islam. Shiites, they too obey the laws of Islam. Just embrace each other, act like brothers. Why do you kill, why do you murder? If you all band together, you can bring justice upon the world. You will eliminate the disasters and suffering from the world. Become friends; approach each other with love. A few days ago, I saw a Shiite Muslim on television, accompanied by four traditionalist Sunnis, sitting there quarreling. They continuously made insinuations, hatred pouring from their mouths. And that poor man was trying to calm them down. What do you want? You are all brothers. Go embrace the man, welcome him, tell him "You are my brother; Shiite, Sunni, we are all brothers." They were like some quarrelsome women that you would find in street alleys, absolute busybodies. They continuously made insinuating remarks to the Shiite. Why don't you approach him with love, with compassion? People like them have darkened, benumbed souls.

Shiites did not leave a single Sunni mosque standing in I

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