Mawlana Rumi says that wine is unlawful for the ignorant, but lawful for those who are refined

A9 TV 2016-09-28

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BÜLENT SEZGİN: "Everything that is pleasurable is prohibited so that these ignoble people do not find a reason to pick on it. Otherwise, wine, music, loving a beautiful woman, and sama [a Sufi ritual] are lawful for those who are refined, and unlawful for those who are ignoble."

ADNAN OKTAR: Here you go. How should we interpret that? Alright, I accept my ignorance, so explain this to me. He blatantly says that "What is unlawful is lawful for us. These are only unlawful for the ignorant." As, according to them, we are among the ignorant, these are unlawful for us as well. But how can they be lawful for you? There is no such thing in the Quran. God does not say these are lawful for the Mawlaw'iyya. By Mawlaw'iyya, I do not mean all of them, I exonerate all the Mawlaw'iyya; I am referring to those who read and believe these sayings.

Look, I have said it a great many times that the real Mawlana Rumi might be a saintly, venerable person and his original book might be a marvelous book; they might have hidden it and wrote other books under his name. But there are many blasphemous statements in Masnavi. For once, they should forget about Rumi as he is not my concern; those books are and whoever wrote them. They idolize the commandments, thus the author of these books. I do not refer to Rumi; I refer to whoever wrote them. We will never allow this.

BÜLENT SEZGİN: There is another part regarding wine.


BÜLENT SEZGİN: "The one who is drunk is independent and free. Those who are intoxicated are excused and can be forgiven if they drink wine.

ADNAN OKTAR: In other words, if a person is drunk, he can drink wine. They will see whether they are excused or not in the Hereafter. He encourages a drunken person to continue drinking more wine. What kind of tone is this? Isn't this promoting alcoholism? There is no end to such statements; this is not the first or the second one.

BÜLENT SEZGİN: As you said, he says a drunken person is free to do anything he likes.

ADNAN OKTAR: He says "A drunken person is free to do anything. The whole point is to drink, once you are drunk, you can commit all sorts of unlawful deeds and they will be forgiven." And with such mentality, they bring a jug filled to the brim with wine to the sect meeting -I exonerate them- and start to drink it, passing it around in circles until everyone gets drunk, and at that point they say "Since we all got drunk, everything is lawful for us now." Then they pick up from where they left off and continue drinking. What kind of religious concept is that?
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