Or Deimos and Humans depending on how you want to look at it. So anyway do we find the Cave of Truth today? Why don't you tell me.
Wish to see more or want to skip to a certain part? See the series playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHUO7IbCoU3Qn5DpiSqSieYPCczOKPMlr
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits is the first of two Arc the Lad games for the PlayStation 2, the second being Arc the Lad: End of Darkness. The game was re-released in Japan as a premium box set. It came out in North America under the title Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits, but when released in Europe the title was renamed Arc: Twilight of the Spirits. The music for the game was composed by Koji Sakurai, Takayuki Hattori, Yuko Fukushima, Masahiro Andoh, and Takashi Harada.
For generations, the humans and Deimos have lived separately, only having one thing in common: Both races depend on Spirit Stones. Each race mines the stones, occasionally fighting over the resource. There are five Great Spirit Stones (Water, Fire, Earth, Wind and Light) and anyone who possesses all of them will gain unimaginable power.
In the present, a human army is sweeping over the world, searching for these stones. However, the Spirits in the stones forbid this and entrust the future of the world into two heroes: Kharg, a noble human, and Darc, a lowly slave in the Deimos world, are chosen by fate to save the world.
The Deimos and humans must either join together to save the world or let their hatred consume it in darkness.
This series is a blind playthrough of the game. I won't know what to expect unless someone spoils it for me.
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.Hack Infection: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHUO7IbCoU3R0OC0dnFvSJ3vEnp8kw3Ka
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