United Russia set to rule the Duma after Sunday's election

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Russia goes to the polls on Sunday to elect the Duma, the lower house of the federal parliament.

The electorate will vote to fill 450 seats in a ballot that has been brought forward from December 4.

Polls suggest that voter apathy has reached epidemic proportions, with 43 percent claiming to have completely ignored the campaign and a mere nine percent have admitted to following events, according to the Levada Centre, which monitors Russian public opinion.

There is only one winner and that is the party of former president and serving Prime Minister Dmitry Mevedev’s United Russia.

Our goal is for the effects of United Russia’s work to be felt in real life by every citizen of our country pic.twitter.com/4DxJfFhR0S— Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) September 6, 2016

It is suggested that United Russia will claim 41.1 percent of the vote and thus a guaranteed 300 seats.

By law President Vladimir Putin is barred from lending his image to the campaign.

The Russian Communist Party led by Gennadiy Zyuganov is steeled to lose its number two billing in the Duma, which it has held since the 90’s.

Gennady Zyuganov demands that Putin recognize DPR and LPR to save Russia from NATO http://t.co/sF62aRctwR pic.twitter.com/Ogh30sIug7— Joinfo Com (@JoinfoEng) September 8, 2015

The aging demographic of Communist support means the voter base is diminishing and Zyuganov, at the age of 72, is in no mood to relinquish his leadership.

The beneficiaries look set to be the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia and Vladimir Zhirinovsky the ultra-nationalist leader.

Aging Rebel: Vladimir Zhirinovsky Is Enjoying Another Moment https://t.co/QfgVlUuZOK pic.twitter.com/YkVPLUWuWx— Russia Insider (@RussiaInsider) September 6, 2016

Polls suggest his party will oust the Communists and become the second biggest party after United Russia.

Sergey Mironov leads A Just Russia an amalgamation of the Russian Party of Life, and the Russian Pensioners’ Party.

Mironov is subject to international sanctions because of alleged involvement in 2014 Crimea crisis and accused by the Ukrainian government of providing financial support to the armed insurgents.

Former Prime Minister, Mikhail Kasyanov, is the co-chair of PARNAS and an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin as well as a fierce campaigner for free and fair elections.

#WGF16 Mikhail Kasyanov: Putin needs external enemies and quick victories WGForum PISM_Poland ACEventsLive pic.twitter.com/OS2hwAPgef— Visegrad Insight (VisegradInsight) June 2, 2016

Opinion polls forecast a gloomy result for Kasyanov as the party is struggling against the weight of support for United Russia.

As for Putin he is no doubt preparing for the 2018 presidential election though he has yet to announce his candidature.

Despite Russia being in recession since early last year Putin’s popularity is sky-high and it would take a seismic shift in Russian politics to derail another run for the presidency.

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