The IKEA Kitchen sale happens approx 3 times a year...
But as of 2016, the sale terms have changed a bit...
First they're no longer giving a 10% or 20% discount on their cabinets...
It used to be spend $3,500 and get 10% off, or $4,500 and get 20% off... Now these were pretty good deals, but the kicker is that it was an actual discount that you received in the form of cash staying in your bank account...
The new IKEA kitchen sale operates as follows: Spend $4,000 or more and get 15% off in the form of store credit... Meaning, instead of keeping the 15% in the form of cash never leaving your bank account, you're now paying IKEA for your kitchen, plus the 15% off is loaded onto an IKEA gift card...
Smart for IKEA because they don't want money leaving the store... But for homeowners, it's been kinda annoying...
We have discovered a simple way to hack the IKEA kitchen sale...
Simply have the kitchen rep you're placing your order with split the order into two orders...
Essentially, order one you will pay for... and then order two is paid for by order on by the gift card... Pretty simple, but it definitely works :)
And if you'd like more information on starting your own IKEA kitchen, or you have any other questions about the IKEA kitchen sale, you can contact us at link below: