Landlord Tenant Lease Agreements - Ask Schultz & Myers

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How do you protect yourself when signing a lease with a landlord? For example, if you're sitting in your living room one day, and your roof collapses, but you've signed a covenant not to sue, how will you get compensated for your injuries? Stephen Schultz, Founding Partner of Schultz & Myers discusses how important it is to read your lease before signing anything. If you're unsure about your lease, feel free to call us, or visit us online at

Hi, I'm Stephen Schultz and you're watching Ask Schultz & Myers. we just received an interesting
question that was "what can I do a renter to protect myself when
signing a landlord/tenant lease agreement?" So i want to address that because it actually comes up in the personal injury realm.
Typically, when you're signing a landlord-tenant agreement, there will be a multiple page lease agreement, and there will be certain clauses in there you have to watch out for. Two clauses in particular. One is an indemnification agreement, and the second is a covenant not to sue.
the reason you don't want to sign those terms and basically agree to those terms is because, if you're injured as a tenant... Let's put that in perspective.
So for example, you're in your apartment , sitting there in your living room and your roof collapses. The drywall just fails.
Well, we find out as lawyers looking into the claim that it was actually the fault of the landlord because the landlord hired a contractor that didn't do a good job. So what can you do in that situation?
Well, you can sue the landlord, but that's not going to work because you signed that covenant not to sue in the landlord lease agreement. So just be careful and read all those terms and conditions. I think the most important thing to do is take it home with you, look through it, and call a lawyer and ask a lawyer's advice.
We're here to answer your questions 24 hour a day. Our number is easy to remember, it's 314.444.4444.
Thanks for watching.

Schultz & Myers
Personal Injury Lawyers Putting YOU First

999 Executive Parkway Dr.
Suite 205
St. Louis, Missouri

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