Obama and Co. at War against Democracies with Saudi Arabia - Nobody is going to vote for al-qeada.. for ISIS.. for wahhabism..

John Kinal 2016-08-26

Views 23

Obama and Co. at War against Democracies with Saudi Arabia - Nobody is going to vote for al-qeada.. for ISIS.. for wahhabism..

The TV is lying to US.

Assad is democratically elected.. And all your TV lies, without a stitch of evidence to lay a criminal charge will never change the reality.. These TV whores of evil, are hiding that Obama and Saudi Arabia are at war against a Democracy, mass murdering everyday, ourselves, as the innocent forsaken. These TV demons speak no words for Obama bombing the nation's civilians, like too in Libya 68,0000 times, while boycotting all fair elections. Who's going to vote for al-Qeada? or to be enslaved for Saudi Arabia? The person who produces these most evil of TV war crime propaganda does obviously.. Having NO CARE TRULY for all the innocent bombing victims of Obama and Co.

They war the fair to speak free Democracy of Syria, because in 2000, they took control of the issue of credit, as America's forefathers envisioned for Americans.. eradicating their national debt.. doubled everyone's wages in a real way, meaning everyone's money went near twice as far (no pirate banksters), provided universal heath care and education, as the public option.. Forbidden thought this is, by the TV American less than celebs, to even have a basic understanding of what we speak fairly recognized here, found unbound...

Zero accountability is costing innocent lives murdered daily in Winnipeg. Where it is claimed, no Police are allowed to investigate such widespread homicides against the poor, and others. THEY REFUSE TO TAKE A COMPLAINT.. We have all the evidence made public needed for prosecutions. This could be your city as hijacked for mass murder included. Please, for a love of freedom, save innocent lives by checking out my most recent video blog production, only a few minutes long..

The government is suppose to be of we the people, fairly speaking being civilized.

Fair say is all we claim.

The truth wins.
All invites welcomed. We have a world to save.

Everyone has the right to demand equal protection, not fall as crime victims suckered out of trillions.. by the enemy thieves.. Thieves that steal our elections.. Thieves that steal justice from America, here on 9/11, Sandy Hook, and the Boston Bombings.. No one wills to be cheated.. all will to be commanded with self respect being civilized.. Do right, freely consider electing me President of these united states standing for freedom. So as then, I can send the American military into Winnipeg Canada, to save the poor from being further mass murdered by Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center - where the Winnipeg Police forbids all detectives from investigating the continuing lawless barbarity, of "Comfort Care".. Check out my home page for all the evidence..

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