I know, that's a pretty bold statement to say that most network marketing reps do not respect their time in building their business! However, I myself am guilty of the same thing, and have learned HOW to better respect my time. The fact is that most people in network marketing, direct sales, and even some affiliate marketing businesses allow prospects and leads to control their time and other 'busy work' to steal from their income earning time. Network marketing consultant and marketer, Scott Rogers explains why this is so dangerous, and if handled EFFECTIVELY can actually save you tons of wasted time and energy while increasing your productivity and income. For more info, go to: best home business home business opportunity make money network marketing home based business how to mlm opportunity mlm business income income cash profit money make making residual top network marketing training trainer consultant coach mentor best top leader sponsor support help tip advice company companies carbon copy pro ccp more money now network marketing video site youtube scott rogers success successful stay at home mom ann sieg mike dillard wealth masters international renegade network marketer magnetic sponsoring renegade university building on a budget work from home six figure income year network marketing truth program lies network-marketing home-business opportunity get paid generate leads lead generation automated business system in a box no selling no sales no closing recruiting build network marketing building right making more money income profit successful Best MLM Company Multi Level Marketing Network Marketing Business Network Marketing Opportunity List MLM Companies Network Marketing Magazines Network Marketing Lifestyles Top 100 MLM Companies Network Marketing Health and Wellness Network Marketing Companies Reviews Network Marketing Training Network Marketing Leads Direct ...