Traditionally when people talk about audit reconsideration, particularly at the IRS, what they're talking about is the reconsideration of an audit determination where you’ve gotten one of those love letters that says hey guess what, John Smith? Bring your box of receipts down to your local IRS office. We’re going to go through those things line by line and basically try to increase your tax liability to a number larger than you’ve ever imagined. That’s not really what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about something even more common that that, and that’s audit reconsideration – when the IRS has prepared what's known as a substitute for return for you because you didn’t bother filing a return. Have you ever gotten an IRS notice in the mail for a tax year that you know you didn’t file a tax return, but instead there is a big giant number there attached to it. So you know you never filed a tax for 2000 return, but wow, where’d they get the number $13,472 that I owe them? What's happened is the IRS has prepared what's known as a substitute for return for you. A substitute for return is prepared for a taxpayer when they don’t bother to get around to it. In other words, the IRS knows that you're probably going to owe money or suspect strongly that you're going to owe them money. So what they do is they gather up all the W2s and 1099s and add up that number. They go ahead and give you one exemption, one dependent (yourself), pick the highest filing status that they can find and go ahead and prepare the return. They add up all the numbers, multiply by the tax rate, and out comes a big fat number. Then they go ahead and add a bunch of penalties and interest on there and then they start trying to collect it from you. Sometimes they’ll actually follow the rules and send out a notice of deficiency first, which is your ticket to tax court. But if you're like most of my clients anyway, you’ve moved roughly 37 times since the last time you filed a tax ...