Main Event: 3 on 3 Elimination Match:
The Anti-Elite vs. The Elite
(Aaron Bonhomme, Christian Liranzo, & Alton Rodriguez vs. Joseph Torres, Damien Jenkins, & Christian Pagan w/America Serda)
4 on 4 Elimination Match:
Team Cox vs. Team Ortiz
(Brandon Cox, Brandon Dixon, ???, & ??? vs. Jonathan Ortiz, Jaelin Taylor, Simon Calderon, & Cristal Cruz)
Open Invitational Newcomers Battle Royal:
Keyshawn Donacien vs. Solomon Green vs. Lindy Matute vs. Joseph Montalvo vs. Zavier Rodriguez vs. Richard Soto w/Jose Gomez
Chris McCall vs. Morgan Wolf
The entire JCWA history can be found at: (JCWA videos are also available on YouTube & Facebook)